2 Oct 2014

#WoWScreenshotsADay Day 23-30

Day 23
"Triangle roof"

Day 24

Day 25

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28
"Lets play a game"

Day 29
"I wish I had one of those"

Day 30
"Where I´m from"

22 Sept 2014

#WowScreenshotADay day 16-22

And here comes the rest

Day 16
"I don´t like"
"When you get tho the quest site and wonder where the mobs went" 

Day 17
"I wonder what key I need to open this one"

Day 18

Day 19
"Are we even now?!"

Day 20
"Everything as well as life and heroism has a beginning.."

Day 21
"Fave word"
"Bunneh :3"

Day 22
"I´ll burn you into a crisp!"

21 Sept 2014

#WowScreenshotADay day 11-15

I´m late with these sadly thanks to a bad cold. But now I´m nearly a 100% free from it and can again sit behind the computer screen. So lets fix those screenshots I´m missing

Day 11
"How I feel today"
Cheerful... Ish... 

For me the pink cherry blossoms or Sakura represent spring to me

Day 13
"Out of place"
I kind of feel a bit out of place here.....

Day 14
I don´t know if that´s so healthy my friend...

Day 15
Remember who you are and where you come from..

10 Sept 2014

#WowScreenshotADay day 9 and 10

Day 9
The sprites and things on tree is orange :p

Day 10
Doing this thing over and over again to get to that stupid chest... 
And I always miss it.. 

8 Sept 2014

#WoWScreenshotADay day 8

And were onto day number 8

Day 8
Well no explenation needed here right?
And NO it wasn´t me.

7 Sept 2014

#WoWScreenshotADay September day 1-7

I´m back!
Got a new laptop that seems to run WoW fine enough so I´m gonna go back to doing #WoWScreenshotADay. I still got my work(just got three more months. Yaay) but starting to feel the energy to sit and play for about two hours or so when I get home.
So lets get on with the screenshots:

Day 1
"In my cup"
"What´sin my cup? Dare I drink it?"

Day 2

Day 3
"Where´s the button on this ting?"

Day 4
"If you want food you have to do it yourself"

Day 5
"Upside down"

Day 6 
"I need..."
"I need better dance moves.. And fast"

Day 7

1 Aug 2014

Not gone.. Just taking a break

As you might have noticed I haven´t posted here for quite some time now. Well to be honest I haven´t had much time to write or actually felt like it.
At the moment I´m currently working at a summerjob or how it´s called in English. This takes a lot of my time during the workdays which means I don´t have that many hours at home to do stuff.
At work I sit behind a screen for ruffly seven and a half hours which makes me not that interessed to turn my own on when I get home. So at the moment I´m having a WoW break and are now playing on our PS2, WII or my newly bought 3DS. Currently I´m trying to catch as many pokemons as I can or hunting ghosts with a vacume.
So as you might have understood now I won´t be posting about WoW for some time untill I find the energy and get my computer to work or buy a new one (it´s not working as it should). But I might be posting things about other games. Like perhaps about me hunting ghost with a vacume or me trying to save people by entering their dreams. I won´t go away don´t worry about that. I´ll just change subject at the time.
Oh and I´m sorry the post look weird. The work computer doesn´t let me write a post as I´m used to which means I can´t tinker with the post.
But as I said... I´ll still be here...

10 Feb 2014

What the fudge Blizzard?!

I was actually going to write about something else for this post but as I tried to log into WoW to start to try fixing the Achievements for “Love Is In The Air”. Guess what? I try to log in… Just when WoW is going to show my toons disconnection hits. Great…. I try two more times with the same result before getting a bit irritated. So instead of sitting in a LFG to do the killing of the special boss with my level 90s, I´m sitting here pouting.
Actually… I´m getting a bit or well.. A lot irritated on that Blizzard still haven´t really fixed the problem that have been causing a lot of lagspikes, failed and slow logins. It makes you wonder why someone as big as Blizzard haven´t fixed the problem that´s been going on for at least three weeks now.

What keeps me playing WoW after three years?

What keeps me playing after three years? Well it can easily be summed up with two words: The community. Yes I´m not sure that I would still play WoW if I hadn´t found so many fun and interesting people in this game. I wouldn´t imagine three years ago that I would be healing in flex raids or tanking in funrun raids with good friends. And I could never imagine that I would play Alliance when I stared as my heart belonged to the Horde at the start and my loyalty have been strong until about a half year ago when my Draenei prot paladin Xithras was “born”. Now when she´s 90 and I´m starting to fully feel comfortable in the tanking role and I´m not looking back. I won´t stop playing Horde as that´s a part of who I am.

1 Jan 2014

Yikes! WoWscreenshotady Day 15-31

I just remebered that I´m quite after with the WoWscreenshotaday challenge for December. Woops.. So I´m off to check what I need to make screenshots of and be back.

Day 15
The word of the day is Lights

Day 16
The phrase of the day is Makes you feel merry 
Seeing an "old" farmer still being able to laugh makes me feel merry

Day 17
The word of the day is Tree
So the Klaxxi celebrates Winters Veil? Or they just think that the tree´s pretty?

Day 18
The word of the day is Big
Well..... He... Or it sure is BIG

Day 19
The phrase of the day is ´Tis the season to...
This is the season to remeber our lost ones